Masking tape model railway

All aboard the Rainbow express as we head off to some exciting destinations!

This activity can be used as an adaption to Leadersheep, Lead stage 1, for Rainbows.

Our destination cards and matching tickets used in the video.

The track

Create a network of railway tracks on the floor with masking tape. You could use cones, string or wool on carpet. Your layout needs plenty of junctions and choices of route. Don’t be shy on the amount of track you have, as it helps to ease congestion on the network!

Add some distinctive destinations around your layout. You will need slightly more destinations than trains and at least as many as the number of Rainbows in each train. These can be printed cards, toys or items. Create matching tickets for each destination. You'll need a set of tickets for each train you have running.

The trains

Arrange your Rainbows into trains - groups of at least 3, preferably 4 or 5. You can play the game with 1 or more trains. Each train consists of an engine (front Rainbow), driver (second Rainbow), and carriages (remaining Rainbows). Keep in mind that the more Rainbows you have, the more ‘track’ you’ll need to accommodate them in the layout.

The game

Each train starts at one of the destinations. Queue them up behind the destination, facing the track ready to go.

Give the driver (Rainbow second in the line) a ticket with a destination. They must keep this a secret and not reveal the destination to the engine or the rest of their train.

Shout "all aboard" and blow a whistle to send the trains on their way. Everyone says ""choo choo” before setting off.

At each junction, the driver must direct the engine and indicate which track to use. They could point or tap the lead Rainbow on the shoulders.

Once a train reaches its destination, it should wait behind it with Rainbows maintaining the same order behind the engine.

When all the trains have reached their destination, it’s time to swap roles and play again with a new destination. Send the front Rainbow to the back and everyone else take a step forward. The driver is now the engine, and the first carriage becomes the new driver.

Repeat until everyone has been both an engine and a driver.

Things to watch

Give Rainbows some time to explore the layout, so they know where the destinations are, and practice following the tracks.

Avoid 2 or more trains travelling to the same destination at the same time.

Try to ensure that each train visits a new destination each time.

Martin Balmer

Working with watercolour pencils I hand draw and paint wild animal illustrations, British garden birds, pet portraits and other subjects.

Message paper plane


Neon signs