Adult to Child Ratio Calculator


Terms of Use

The Adult to Child Ratio Calculator tool is provided as is. The leader-in-charge or event coordinator is responsible for ensuring correct ratios are met at all times during the event, trip or activity. Check that the information you have entered, the event or activity type, and the results are correct before going ahead with the event or activity. This tool is not an official service or supported by Girlguiding.

The Breakdown

A breakdown is provided to help you see how young members and children have been allocated in keeping with ratios. This helps you check the results. For each adult, the ratio of the youngest section they have will apply.

The ratio used for each section is shown at the top of the results.

The Calculation

An adult is considered to be a person of 18 years or over. Rangers and Young Leaders do not count as adults.

The calculator will add additional adults, to ensure minimum requirements are met, as and when it is appropriate.

Do not count anyone into a section that is either too old for them or is different what they are attending as. For example, do not count a Rainbow as a Brownie, a Brownie as a Guide or a Guide as a Ranger. If you enter the information wrong, the calculation will be wrong.

Adventurous Activities and Custom Ratios

These are not yet supported by this early version. It currently supports standard out of the meeting place activities and residentials.

Children of Volunteers

Adding children of volunteers, even 14-17 year olds, will force at least 1 extra adult. Children of volunteers must be supervised by one or more adults dedicated to the task.

Additional Considerations

At least 1 volunteer must have A Safe Space Level 3. At least 1 volunteer must have First Response (or a recognised equivalent) training. All adults present for residential events must be DBS checked Girlguiding volunteers with Safe Space 1 and 2 training. Rainbows may attend a residential event of up to 2 days with a maximum of 1 night. Other sections may stay for 2 or more nights.

GDPR and Data

No personal data is collected by this tool. The calculation takes place entirely on your own device and the numbers you enter are not sent to our server.






Young Leader

