Programme Help

Printable sheets, which can be used in or out of your unit meetings.

Unit Meeting Activities

Resources you can print out to help you delivery activities from the Girlguiding programme.

Happy appy

Skills For My Future, Rainbows

Cut out the app icons to use with the App Hunt activity in the Happy Appy UMA. Rainbows can place them onto the phone screen as they collect them.

The numbers correspond to the dice numbers given on the UMA. Please refer to the UMA for instructions.

Download PDF 0.125mb

Our free Guiding with Code challenge pack contains more coding themed activities and details of related UMAs for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.


Skills For My Future, Guides

A flowchart key showing some of the more common shapes used for the steps on a flowchart.

Remember that flowcharts can only ever move in a forward direction. You can loop back to an earlier point but not travel backwards the way you came.

Download PDF 0.130mb

Our free Guiding with Code challenge pack contains more coding themed activities and details of related UMAs for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.

Interest Badges

Interest badges are as much about the individual as they are about the subject. They give girls an opportunity to challenge themselves and try new things, whilst also having as much creative freedom as they like. Sometimes though, when you don’t know where to start, it’s great to have a few pointers or a bit of inspiration.

These sheets are free to download and use by Girlguiding members.

Animal Lover

Know Myself, Rainbows

Use the Favourite Animal sheet to help you think about what your chosen animal might get up to and how they look after themselves.

Draw pictures of their activities in the morning or when they first get up (some animals only venture out at night), what they might do to exercise and play.

The Animal Care Plan can help you record what you need to do when looking after a pet or animal. Draw and name the animal in the circle at the top.

A particular animal may require certain amounts of different food. Draw or write the food in the bowls and add the amount required next to the scales below each one.

You’ll have to feed and clean your pet regularly but these things may be at different times. You can use the schedule to record this. You can also add special cleaning and care instructions.

Grow Your Own

Be Well, Brownies

Make a Plant Care record of what you are growing, where, and when it might need watering and other care. Use the sunlight column for potted and house plants that might need rotating or moving into and out of the sun.



Be Well, Guides*

*This mocktail recipe sheet has been designed for use by Rainbows and Brownies. It may be useful to Guides, particularly if they share their Mixology experience as an activity with a younger section.

We recommend soda water as a sugar-free fizz. Grenadine a commonly used non-alcoholic bar syrup traditionally made from pomegranate. It can be found either with squashes and cordials, or potentially in the alcohol aisle. Add it carefully and it will sink to the bottom.

Cut out the ingredients and stick them on the glass above. Alternatively draw them in the glass, or simply tick or cross them.



Take Action, Rainbows

Create a Recycling Superhero poster to help you think about all 3 parts of the Rainbows Recycling Interest badge.

Discover 6 weeks to reduce waste. Draw each of these in a box down the side of the poster.

Imagine a recycling superhero. What would they look like? Draw a picture of them on the main part of the poster.

What kind of inspiring message or catchphrase might they say? Add this to the speech bubble at the top.

You can display your poster to inspire others. Maybe you could dress up as your superhero or create a model of them out of recycled materials.



Skills For My Future, Rainbows

A Truss Building Exercise. Explore the strongest shape. Build a bridge or tower from trusses. Print the girders onto card, cut them out using the bolder lines, and fold them down the lighter line before construction.

  • Create an M out of 4 short beams. Note which way around they go.

  • 2 beams fit together to create a square corner, called a right-angle.

  • Add a long beam across the bottom of the M.

  • Repeat this to make 4 of these.

  • Fix all 4 sections together to create a tower or a bridge structure.

  • Where else might you add beams to make the structure rigid?

Download this girder template and print onto card.