Spot the Mistake!

Mistakes happen and they can range from the mildly embarrassing, and the very inconvenient, to the potentially dangerous. When we’re coding a computer program, spotting and catching mistakes is vital, as we don’t want bugs creeping into the system causing a melt-down!

Using a special set of cards, Brownies worked in Sixes to filter out errors and mistakes that came in all shapes and forms. If you would like to play Spot the Mistake, you can download our ready-made cards or design your own. All of the cards on page 1 have mistakes. Can you spot them? Page 2 and 3 are mistake free. Shuffle the mistakes in with the good cards to play!

Some Brownies pointed out the absence of the Trefoil on the badges as a mistake. This was by design, to simplify the image, but potentially worth bonus points!

Martin Balmer

Working with watercolour pencils I hand draw and paint wild animal illustrations, British garden birds, pet portraits and other subjects.

Sock puppets


Bunnies vegetable patch run!