Across the briny deep.
Ahoy there mateys! Set sail across the briny deep for a pirate adventure badge. Follow the story and play out the activities to find the treasure.
Pre-ordering available soon.
Our story begins…
Gather round. Let me tell you a tale from across the briny deep, about a pirate named Mazie Drake.
Mazie was the most feared pirate of her time. She was even feared by her fellow pirates. Mazie was relentless, daring, bold and brave in her quest for treasure, and she hatched the most audacious plan.
A ship, absolutely loaded, stacked high and bulging at the seams with treasure, was to sail right through her waters. Needless to say, even though it was a heavily guarded ship, it was too much to resist. Laden with cacao beans, it carried the best treasure of all: the raw ingredient of chocolate!
Chocolate can be traced to the Mokaya and other pre-Olmec people of Central America. The fermented, roasted, and ground beans of the Theobroma cacao tree are held in high regard.
Cunning and deceitful, Mazie and her crew approached the ship in disguise. A clever disguise. The perfect disguise. Mazie was disguised as something even more feared than pirates. So feared, in fact, she would be able board the vessel unchallenged.
What’s even more feared than pirates? Tax inspectors! Together with her crew, disguised as a team of bean counters, Mazie boarded and soon took control of the ship. The plan worked and she seized the treasure for herself.
Legend has it that she stored the bounty in a cool, dark, dry place. This plunder survived unchanged until Mazie had the beans ground, formulated and moulded into bars for her retirement.
She retreated from the high seas to a peculiar little enchanted island called Quill, where the chocolate bars are believed to have been preserved by magic and hidden to this day…
Crafts, games and puzzles
Will you pluck up courage to set sail for Quill Island? Follow the trail, play the games, solve the puzzles and piece together the clues, to discover the hidden treasure of Mazie Drake.
Make your own adventure
Build a unique experience for your unit. Choose the activities most suited to your resources and group, from a pool of fantastically fun options.